Micah Bemenderfer

August 5, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 21-22
Meditation Verses: 22:67-71


Jesus said they wouldn't believe Him, and He was right, but He answered anyway. If there was any question from His first answer, there was none from His second. And they did not believe Him. He was testifying against them, allowing them to condemn themselves. We don't necessarily tell the truth about God, Jesus and the world to bring about repentance, but we are called to testify against it, to let the world display its refusal to believe. Of course, we would prefer to see repentance, but that's not God's plan for everyone.


I need to always testify to the truth about Jesus and God's righteous requirements, even when I'm fully confident that no one will hear and believe. Their response to my faithful witness will be used against them at the judgment, to prove God correct in His condemnation of them. The more I plead with people to repent, the more certain their doom if they don't repent.