Micah Bemenderfer

August 31, 2023

Passage Read: Acts 28 - Romans 1
Meditation Verses: 1:28-32


When we abandon the knowledge of God, when we turn away from the testimony of Scripture, we're free to do whatever we like and believe whatever we want. Sadly, it doesn't make us better but worse. We become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. We commit all kinds of sin, things we know deserve death, but having rejected the truth about God, we not only keep at them, but we encourage others to do likewise. We have to approve and applaud others who sin against God, both to spite Him and to feel better about ourselves. What's frightening is that it's not just unbelievers who do this, but people who knew God decided to let go of the knowledge of God.


This is happening all over, and indeed a great apostasy has to happen before the end. But no matter how bad things get, I need to hold fast and continually submit and believe the Scriptures every more fully. Others may think they're becoming wiser by turning away from the clear and plain teaching of the Scriptures, but they're only becoming more foolish, turning away from the Lord and embracing sin. What I never want to become is someone who encourages or approves another's sinful behavior. Rather, I need to call others to repent, believe and obey the Lord.