August 31, 2022
Passage Read: Acts 24-25
Meditation Verses: 25:2-3
After two years of Paul in prison, the Jews still demand his death as one of the first things mentioned to the new governor. Had he continued to be a threat and a problem to them? Was he still stirring up trouble while detained with some freedom? How are they so embittered against him that after two years, upon meeting the new governor the first thing they ask is for Paul's transfer to Jerusalem so they can kill him? Was Paul really worth the effort and years of enmity? Yet it was God's plan for Paul to testify at Rome, so even Paul was tested by two years of waiting.
The path God takes me on to accomplish what He desires through and in me will not always be straight and direct. I shouldn't be surprised if I spend a few years seeming to do little or nothing for the kingdom. There may be what appears to be wasted time chasing rabbit trails, but if I am looking for ways to serve, then the time is never really wasted. If we've been on a rabbit trail or are about to embark on one, the Lord will use it for His purposes, as long as I'm looking for what can be done for Him along the way.