Micah Bemenderfer

August 29, 2023

Passage Read: Acts 24-25
Meditation Verse: 24:25


Righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come are all key elements of our faith. We are called to live righteously, as God describes righteousness. That requires self-control, which we must then exercise in order to resist the evil impulses of our flesh and the enticements of the world, and compel ourselves to walk in righteousness. Knowing that all men will be judged for their deeds, whether good or evil, we fear the Lord and act accordingly, seeking to please and honor Him by our lives lived in obedience to Him. We don't make the rules; we honor the One who does. These three truths would make anyone uncomfortable who isn't willing to leave off their sin.


Both believers and unbelievers will face a judgment, so both need to understand the conditions of that judgment. It is the same for both: We will be judged for the things done while in the body, whether good or evil. We should fear the Lord, whether we love Him or hate Him. Indeed, if we love Him, we should be all the more eager to please and honor Him with our lives. I need to practice righteousness, exercise self-control, being fully aware of having to face the Lord in judgment.