Micah Bemenderfer

August 22, 2023

Passage Read: Acts 10-11
Meditation Verse: 10:35


Cornelius feared God and did what was right in His eyes, so the Lord made sure he heard about Jesus so he could also believe in Him. Interesting that Cornelius had already basically repented. He had forsaken the gods of his people and chosen to fear the God of the Israelites and do what He required. God obviously honored that and granted him the privilege of hearing about Jesus, the judge of all the living and the dead, who could forgive anyone's sin if they believed in Him. Because Cornelius had already chosen to fear the Lord, he hesitated not a second to believe in Jesus. He didn't stand on his good works or existing fear, but showed how genuine his fear of God was, by accepting God's appointed judge, the Son of God.


True fear of God is precious. It doesn't balk at any requirement God lays down. When you fear God, you do anything He asks, without complaint or hesitation. I want to fear God even more, and I want to fellowship with people who deeply and truly fear the Lord.