Micah Bemenderfer

August 2, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 15-16
Meditation Verse: 16:15


The Pharisees loved what all men loved, but we're supposed to be faithful believers in God. So when their love of the things of the world was questioned, they had to justify themselves and explain why it was okay for them to pursue worldly things and still be counted faithful to God. Some men might have been convinced, some might have even joined with them because their explanation sounded good to them, but others could see through it and despised the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. No matter, those people and their opinion didn't matter to the Pharisees. But they didn't consider God, who would not be fooled by their justification, and who despised what men honored. The Pharisees might be loved and honored by rich and powerful men, by men who loved money, but they would be rejected by God.


Justifying myself before men is meaningless. Men are not the gatekeepers to the kingdom of God. Living this life for the praise of men is meaningless if I spend eternity in Hell. God is the only one I need to please. If I don't please God, my life is wasted. I don't want to justify any behavior that God despises, and I can figure out what God despises by looking at what men praise and honor. I need to abandon what men honor and pursue what God honors. If nothing else is clear, I at least know that money is not something I should live to gather, but as soon as I pay off my debts, I should be content with enough to cover my expenses, and anything extra I should use to help others and make friends for eternity.