Micah Bemenderfer

August 17, 2023

Passage Read: John 21 - Acts 1
Meditation Verses: Acts 1:6-8


His disciples want to know when He will restore the kingdom of Israel, but Jesus tells them they're not going to know the plan of the Father. Their responsibility and duty will be to witness for Christ. Their mission wasn't to just wait for Him to set up His kingdom, but to tell others who He is and that He is coming again to restore the kingdom. As much as I might think to the contrary, I don't need to know the when in order to tell people that it will happen.


As much as I'd like to identify when Jesus will return, my primary responsibility is to warn people and prepare a people for His return. I don't need to know when it will happen in order to warn people that it will indeed happen. Jesus did tell me to be aware of the times and signs of His return, but that's not my primary mission. My primary mission is to witness about Him.