Micah Bemenderfer

April 9, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 111-114
Meditation Verses: 113:5-7


Who is like the Lord, who sits on high, who stoops down to look at the heavens and the earth, who raises the poor from the ash heap? The Lord has to stoop down to see the earth and heavens because He is so high and exalted, yet He reaches down to the poor and needy of earth and raises them up to sit with princes. He is not so high and mighty that He doesn't care for the least of us. And He makes the high and mighty of earth sit with these low ones whom He has raised up.


No matter what station or status I have in life, I cannot forget the poor or needy; I can never think that I am superior to them because of my bank account or background. Nothing makes me superior to anyone else. Everyone deserves the same concern, but some need more help than others.