April 9, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 103-106
Meditation Verses: 106:13-14
God did all kinds of amazing things for the people, miracles so plain and obvious and powerful! But still they forgot them! They lived through them, saw them with their own eyes, walked through the Red Sea on their own two feet, yet they quickly forgot these things and complained against God, as His pillar of smoke and fire stood over their camp. How blind could these people be? How foolish? Why so deliberately forgetful? They rushed to forget His works, so that they could go their own way. Where is the gratitude? Where is the fear? Anything that would cause them to respect the Lord and honor Him as Almighty God?
We don't see such things, but we read about them. We know they happened, and I believe them to be true! I must work at remembering what they lived through, so that I can honor the Lord as He deserves. They were so quick to cast Him behind themselves, I must work to keep Him before my eyes. God deserves honor and glory and obedience. He knows what is best for me, and has all power to accomplish His will! I certainly don't want to be on the wrong side of what He is doing, so I will make every effort to keep Him and His works front and center in my heart and mind.