April 7, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 95-98
Meditation Verses: 95:7-11
If I want to hear the voice of God, if I want to hear Him speak, I must not harden my heart, I must not test the Lord, especially when I see His works. If I read His Word but do not obey it, if I continue to go astray in my heart, then I cannot know His ways, and I provoke Him to anger. The reason I can't hear Him is because I refuse to obey what He has possibly said, what He has revealed about Himself in His Word, what He desires from His people. But if I do what He says, then I am hearing His voice! It is not actually all that hard to hear and know what He desires!
He has revealed His ways in the Bible. If I want to know His desire, all I have to do is read it and do what it says. Then I am hearing His voice and He will grant me entrance into His rest. He will not be angry with me, but will actually rejoice over me. And though His ways are so different from the ways of the world and will invite ridicule from the people of this world (and even many who claim to know Him), yet I will know peace with God.