April 5, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 87-90
Meditation Verse: 90:16
This is a prayer of Moses, who saw miracle after miracle, who traveled for forty years with the Lord's pillar of fire and smoke constantly with them. The Lord did miracles for the sons of Israel, but what Moses longed for most was that God's power would be seen in the sons of Israel. Though the Lord did great things for the people, it seems so few believed and obeyed Him, so few were changed to love and serve Him from the heart.
Lord, I do desire Your glory, that You would be glorified in this campus, in the lives of everyone here, student and staff. That You would be exalted and Your name praised, by our faith in You, by our obedience to You, not because of our rebellion against You. Let us see Your works, let us praise Your name because of the miracles You do among us, because of the lives changed, staff and student. If it is only the remnant that shall be saved, then let our campus be filled with those who belong to the remnant.