Micah Bemenderfer

April 4, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 91-94
Meditation Verse: 94:23


The Lord desires all men to be saved, but they must repent of their sins and submit in faith to Jesus Christ. Those who will not believe and obey the Son will be marked for destruction. Though they seem to prosper today, they will be destroyed. They are not the people I want to ally myself with, nor do I want to fear them, be intimidated by them into agreeing with their agenda. They will not succeed for long.


I need to take refuge in the Lord, to trust in Him and stand against the wicked. The Lord will deliver the righteous and destroy the wicked, so I want to walk in His ways, trust His wisdom and obey His Word. Though everyone should oppose me, I will trust in the Lord and stand in obedience to Him. The world may slay me, but I will rise to reign just as Jesus did.