Micah Bemenderfer

April 27, 2023

Passage Read: Proverbs 30 - Ecclesiastes 2
Meditation Verses: Ecclesiastes 2:24-26


Solomon basically says that the one who is content with what he has and is satisfied with the work he had to do, this is a wise man. The fool is one who continually has to add to his possessions and increase his wealth; he does so only to leave it to someone who pleases God. All the wealth and riches of this earth will be given over to those who please the Lord, eventually. But for now, whatever wealth a man amasses, there are two things true: one, he's usually never satisfied with what he has so he must continually add to it, so there is never an end of striving for him; two, he'll leave it all to someone else, who may be a fool or may be a wise man, but eventually, it all ends up in the hands of believers. The wise man knows contentment; the fool always seeks more, is never satisfied.


If I want to be a wise man, I need to learn to be content with what I have, to find satisfaction in my work and enjoy my days with what I have. If I feel compelled to chase wealth, then I'll never be satisfied, but will be chasing the things of this life and will be too busy to pursue the things that really matter, that last into eternity. That's the real difference between the wise man and the fool.