Micah Bemenderfer

April 24, 2023

Passage Read: Proverbs 18-21
Meditation Verse: 20:15


Gold is precious because it is rare; rubies are supposed to be the rarest of gems. A good wife is as rare as rubies, and so very precious if found. But this says that lips that speak wisdom are far more rare even than a good wife. Gold and rubies exist in abundance compared to the frequency of meeting someone who speaks knowledge. There are certainly tons and tons of people who have knowledge and even great knowledge, boat-loads of PhDs. The knowledge Proverbs speaks of isn't just facts and figures, but the knowledge of God and His ways. Now that is extremely rare. Many people know stuff about God, but few indeed really know Him. They are truly precious.


Of course, I wish I could be such a person, but I also wish to find such people, to fellowship with them and learn from them. If they are more rare than the Proverbs 31 woman, it seems almost hopeless to find someone who speaks God's knowledge today. Every writer of Scripture would have to be counted among that number, but that would be an impossible bar to reach today; no one is writing new Scripture. Who is walking as Jesus walked? Who is living out the likeness of Peter or Paul's lives? If someone like that is next to impossible to find, what should I expect of myself and others? Should I give up trying? Or should I try all the harder to be and to produce such people?