Micah Bemenderfer

April 23, 2023

Passage Read: Proverbs 14-17
Meditation Verse: 15:12


To resent correction is the behavior of a mocker, not a wise man. To refuse to consult the wise for fear of finding oneself in error is dangerous. Correction is hard to receive; as good as we all know it to be, we find it painful and so prefer to avoid it. And then we get upset if someone calls us out. Without thinking, we step into the shoes of a mocker, resenting correction and refusing to consult the wise. We would rather figure things out on our own than humble ourselves and seek out the wisdom of those who know God better than us.


I don't want to be a mocker, but I have all these same reactions. How easy it is to fall into this trap. Who likes correction? A wise man appreciates it, and therefore seeks out other wise men, as painful as that might be. I need to swallow my pride, consider carefully any criticism that comes my way, and start meeting with some guys who have a good handle on wisdom, so I can seek their counsel.