Micah Bemenderfer

April 23, 2022

Passage Read: Proverbs 6-9
Meditation Verse: 6:32


Chapters 6 and 7 both contain strong condemnation for adultery, and the foolish woman of 9 shares characteristics with the adulteress. There are lots of things that mess up a man and ruin his life, including greed and bad friends and bad women. It is alarming to read these chapters and realize how dangerous to a man's soul the wrong woman can be. It is so true, but these days we think we've rewritten relationships so that these truths no longer apply. But the reality is they are still true and we've reduced ourselves to soulless animals by our new rules of relationship. The changes we made only lead to greater suffering, isolation, disconnection and self-destruction!


A woman must belong to one man in order to have real value, to be genuinely cared for and protected, and so that the children of any union can have self-worth, value, care and protection. We've created a free-for-all that rips value from everyone and hates all parties involved for the selfish pleasure of a moment. Men and women are both responsible for creating these circumstances of self-destruction. No matter how smart we think we are in creating a society where anyone can do anything with another with mutual consent, it's all just using another person for selfish ends. There is no genuine love for the other, and in truth there's not even a genuine love for self. The Bible is proved right by the folly of men that brings such destruction.