Micah Bemenderfer

April 2, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 75-78
Meditation Verses: 78:5-8


God recorded all His words and works so that we would know them and believe them and remain faithful to Him, and teach our sons to believe and obey Him. He is the same today as He was then. Though He may not be doing the great works that He did back then, with such signs and wonders, He is still the same God with all the same power and might, and He is to be feared and honored all the same. And it is the responsibility of the father to prepare the hearts of his sons to believe and obey the Lord, but the sons must also work with the Lord to prepare their own hearts.


I cannot waver in faith in the Lord. He is the same today as He was then. He has not done the signs and wonders today that He has done in the past, but the day is coming when He will do wonders like He's not done before, when He pours out His wrath on all mankind. Today I must endure, today I must believe, though all I have to go on is the Scriptures. I need to make sure my heart is prepared to believe the Lord, and I must encourage my sons to believe and remain faithful.