Micah Bemenderfer

April 18, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 144-147
Meditation Verses: 147:19-20


God has revealed His Word to Israel. Paul speaks of that as a great advantage Jews have over Gentiles. It is a privilege that we don't often recognize. That God would choose a people and make sure they understand what is needed in order to gain eternal life, to have peace with Him and enjoy His favor, and leave the rest of mankind to grope for Him, to seek Him and not know when they've found Him, that sure looks like God playing favorites. Of course, His intention was that all nations would be drawn to Israel to learn the truth about God, by how blessed and orderly their nation was. But because of their disobedience, God wasn't free to bless His people in the ways He wanted.


Today, to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us so that we can understand the Word of God, it is the same kind of gift and privilege, one which we to would do poorly to overlook or fail to appreciate. Though now, the promise is not for earthly success and prosperity, but eternal success and prosperity. That requires a faith that gives up a desire for earthly prosperity and seems entirely counter-intuitive. Who would be drawn to believe in a God that calls you to forsake the treasures of this world and this life to plead with people to repent and be saved, with a promise of delayed-though-greater gratification? In effect, it makes God more real, and salvation much more a miracle.