Micah Bemenderfer

April 14, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 128-131
Meditation Verse: 131:1


There is freedom and great peace when I understand my place, my responsibilities, and trust those over me. When I content and confine myself with just things I have control of or responsibility for, when I can let go of those things that are too high or complicated for me, things that belong to others, then I can be at peace, especially when resting in the Lord. Whether it's matters that concern my boss or other authorities over me, if I leave them with those responsible for them, I can enjoy peace, especially when my trust and hope are in the Lord. He will rule over all, and take care of those things that touch me.


There are so many things I don't understand, and I don't have time or interest in understanding. There are plenty of other things that I do have a need and responsibility to understand. Those latter things are the things I need to pour my attention into; everything beyond the scope of my authority or responsibility, I need to entrust to God and rest in His goodness. If I must suffer, He will bring me through it. If I must suffer for Him, He will reward me for it. And if whatever trouble comes about because of decisions far above me, if they never touch me, why should I bother worrying about them in the first place? I just need to trust in the Lord and do good; take responsibility for those things that are truly my responsibility.