Micah Bemenderfer

April 1, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 71-74
Meditation Verses: 73:2-3


To be jealous of the proud and envious of their peace and prosperity is to set my feet on the path to stumble and fall from salvation. The wicked prosper and can do all they wish, they have a freedom that the righteous can't enjoy. The righteous must restrain their baser instincts, they must consider the good of others in all their decisions. The wicked have no such concern. They can find plenty of people who are willing to join with them and admire them in their selfishness. Their ways even appeal to my flesh, which is why admiring their ease and freedom and success is so dangerous. I must think on the Lord and the end of all things if I want to be protected.


The wicked may thrive on the earth, but their end is eternal torment. No amount of prosperity on this planet is worth an eternity of torment! But a lifetime of poverty, of thinking of the good of others, of suffering for Christ is worth an eternity in the kingdom of Christ and of God, where all we gave up for Christ and to serve Him will be repaid in ways we can't even imagine.