2022 (369)

The Year of our Lord 2022


July 23, 2022

Passage Read: Mark 7-8 Meditation Verse: 8:17 How often do I not understand because I have hardened my heart? Jesus is constantly teaching me through His Word, but am I listening? Am I willing to hear? There are things hidden because I'm not ready to…

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July 22, 2022

Passage Read: Mark 5-6 Meditation Verses: 6:50-52 Jesus is literally claiming to be God as He approaches the disciples in their boat. And the disciples marvel greatly because, according to Mark, they didn't understand the miracle of the loaves. What is the connection between the…

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July 21, 2022

Passage Read: Mark 3-4 Meditation Verse: 4:37 A great storm came up on the sea, such that even the fishermen among them feared for their lives. But when they woke Jesus and He calmed the storm, He rebuked them for their lack of faith. What…

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July 20, 2022

Passage Read: Mark 1-2 Meditation Verse: 2:27 The Sabbath was made for the benefit of man, not for his harm, not to bind him, but to free him. It was to be a day free from work, a day to rest, to stay home and…

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July 19, 2022

Passage Read: Matthew 27-28 Meditation Verses: 28:19-20 Jesus said here clearly that all nations were to be discipled, not just the Jews. He was already announcing the Gospel was to include even Gentiles. The Jews, by and large, had rejected Him in dramatic fashion, crucifying…

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