October 4, 2023
Passage Read: 1 Thessalonians 1-2
Meditation Verse: 2:9
While in Thessalonica, Paul and his team labored night and day while also preaching the gospel to them. He did it so as not to be a burden to them. How were they not exhausted? Was the gospel so compelling to them that it didn't matter how much they worked, they still had to preach and teach whoever would listen? Were the people so precious to them that they didn't care how tired they might be, they delighted to spend time with people hungry to know God? Either way, I've got no excuse. I'm just working days, I should still have capacity and passion left over to help others know Christ.
I need to be less focused on how much I'm doing in general, and more concerned about how much I'm doing for the gospel, to help people know Christ and walk in a manner worthy of Him. I can do more. If I love God, if I really believe that there is no other way of salvation, if I really care about people, then I should be doing more.