November 27, 2023
Passage Read: Genesis 29-32
Meditation Verses: 31:11-13
If it ever occurs to Jacob to leave, he didn't do it, not until the Lord tells him to. Though he is oppressed by his uncle, he keeps his word to serve, even though there was no time limit on the service, and even though Laban keeps changing the terms of his wages. But God sees what is happening to Jacob, and prospers Jacob no matter what Laban says. And finally, after six years of it, God tells Jacob to return home. Only then does Jacob leave. God allows him to suffer at the hands of his uncle, but also prospers him despite his uncle's best efforts, and eventually God lets Jacob leave.
I need to trust God more and wait for His leading. Just because people might be mistreating me, that's no excuse to run away. God may turn the table on my oppressors, and prosper me under their noses. Loyalty, keeping my word, serving in faith that God sees and will take care of me, these are all qualities that God honors. I don't need to be so quick to take care of myself; I can trust that God is watching over me and at the right time will tell me when to depart. Serve wholeheartedly until that time, even if I'm being oppressed.