November 10, 2024
Passage Read: Hebrews 13 - James 1
Meditation Verses: James 1:6-8
There should be no doubt when asking for wisdom, because God does want to give it to everyone. It is not hard to find: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of it, and the Scriptures teach it. But there are other things where my doubts rise, I don't know for sure if they are truly God's will to do. Healing, deliverance from trial or torment.... There are many difficult things that God uses in our lives to refine and train and discipline us. How am I to know that God wants this thing or that circumstance changed? Paul asked three times for his thorn to be removed and was denied every time. How did the apostles know on the spot whether to call out for healing or not?
I don't want to ask in prayer with doubting. I want to know for sure what God's will is in all things, so that I can pray with confidence. I don't want to be a double-minded man, unstable in all my ways. Help my unbelief, Lord, and give me the wisdom to understand this question.