May 24, 2022
Passage Read: Jeremiah 13-16
Meditation Verse: 15:10
It is hard to be a prophet. When God sends a prophet, it is usually to a people He cares for but who have turned from His ways. They need correction because they have turned away from following the Lord, but the more hostile to God they are, the more rebuke they need and the less they welcome it. The prophet is almost always caught between a rock and a hard place, sent to a people who need him but don't want him. Unless they are repentant, he becomes a thorn in their side, they resent him, hate him, even curse him.
This is not something I would want to take on myself, because of course, everyone will make the prophet feel like he's doing wrong. Who likes to be corrected, who likes to have their errors, their sins pointed out? But who wants to see people who think they're saved die and go to hell? Do I really want to let them go their own way without warning them of the danger? They made their choice, do I want to be the one that nags them, incites their anger? And do I really understand what they are doing, that it's really so wrong?