May 15, 2024
Passage Read: Proverbs 26-29
Meditation Verses: 26:24-26
The one who hates disguises it with his lips, gathering deceit in his heart. He speaks graciously to the one he hates, but his heart is full of abominations. Though he is long successful in covering over his hatred, eventually his wickedness will be revealed in the assembly. What assembly? For sure in the final judgment. But if he has a confidant in the same community as those he hates, one day someone will slip and reveal the man's hatred. Or one day he will seek to spring a trap against his target by turning the crowd against him, then all will know of the hatred that dwelt in his heart. One day it will be revealed. But the warning signs are gracious speech, never anything negative, not until he's ready to destroy.
The righteous man seeks to warn his neighbor; the wicked man never says anything bad. The one who flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for him; a trap awaits. If we all consider ourselves imperfect sinners, then it should never surprise us if someone has a rebuke for us, though we all hope it to be gentle. Still, a true friend is earnest in his counsel, but the man who hates has nothing bad to say about his enemy, only good. It seems so counter-intuitive. We think friends are those who always say nice things to us, but the truth is that a genuine friend sees things we're doing wrong and cares enough to say something to us. That's hard, because who of us wants to hear we're doing wrong? I don't like it, but I need it.