March 8, 2022
Passage Read: Job 17-20
Meditation Verses: 19:21-22,25-26
In the midst of his grief, knowing that God has struck him but not understanding why, still Job knows that one day he will stand before God who will redeem him. He is very bitter in his soul, he is convinced that God is punishing him for some wrong that he can't see, but he is also convinced that the Lord Himself will redeem him. He still hopes in the Lord's goodness and trust in Him for salvation. Though God has set Himself against him, yet he knows God will not abandon him forever, but will save him even after death. What faith!
He doesn't understand why God has set Himself as his enemy at this time, but he knows God is not really his enemy, but still lives him and will raise him from the dead to live with Him again. When I fall into sin and the Lord disciplines me, it is never because He hates me and is done with me. It is actually because He loves me and is seeking to refine and purify me. My holiness is His goal, and though I have been made holy by His Son's death and resurrection, still I operate in ways that do not bring Him glory, that do not do good to me or to those around me. He still has work to do in me. And it is because He remains committed to me. That is good news.