March 19, 2024
Passage Read: Esther 7-10
Meditation Verse: 10:3
Even in this life, the Lord is willing to reward and exalt those who seek the good of their own people and of the nation that hosts them. Of course, the Lord defines what is good and good should include not just protecting their lives, but teaching them to walk in God's ways, so that God is free to bless them rather than leave them to their own devices and to the whims of their enemies. But someone who cares for the needs of his people, both material and spiritual, the Lord delights in such a one, because that's what He does and who He is.
To know and enjoy the Lord's favor, whether here and now or in the future, I need to be concerned for the good and welfare of those entrusted to me. That requires knowing God and knowing what He desires for His people, watching for threats against them and interceding in whatever way I can.