June 27, 2023
Passage Read: Nahum 2 - Habakkuk 2
Meditation Verses: Habakkuk 2:3-4
This revelation doesn't answer Habakkuk's original complaint, but goes much bigger and further than that. This chapter speaks of the end of days and the punishment of all wicked, especially the great conqueror in the end times. Because of that, Habakkuk will have to wait even longer to see it fulfilled. He's looking for deliverance from the trouble that surrounds him, but God speaks of deliverance from an even greater enemy at the end of this age. So he must wait and not give up, like the rest of us. Though it seems like it will never get here, the righteous will live by faith, trusting and waiting in expectation that what the Lord has promised week come to pass.
In this context, "the righteous will live by faith" refers specifically to the patience required of those who trust God to fulfill His Word in His time. Because it will be a long time coming, even the righteous, who believe God's promises, will be tempted to give up. They must not. What God has promised will be fulfilled, exactly as He promised. Even if I don't live to see the end of this age, I must believe that it will come exactly as God promised. It is that kind of faith that will be rewarded will eternal life.