Micah Bemenderfer

June 25, 2023

Passage Read: Micah 1-4
Meditation Verses: 3:11-12


Zion will be destroyed because of her leaders. Rulers judge for a bribe, priests teach for a price and prophets tell fortunes for money. All are greedy for gain, none seek the Lord, understand His ways and do as He requires. They only think of themselves, their own benefit and how they can extort more money from the people. They do not fear the Lord, but use Him for their own gain. They don't know Him or walk in His ways. So the people are led into sin, they are left in their sins, and the Lord has nothing left to do but judge. Destruction comes on everyone because the leaders don't lead for the Lord, but for themselves.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but it is also the beginning of right service. Those who fear the Lord will lead to please Him, not themselves or their constituents. Leader and led both desire to pursue their flesh, so the leader is obligated to know the Lord and His ways, to walk in them himself and to call his people to walk in them, for everyone's good. If the leader doesn't do this job, the people should take it upon themselves to learn the ways of the Lord and walk in them, so that they can be a public rebuke even while honoring their leaders. But usually people just follow the example of their leaders, more often those who live for their flesh, which dooms all to destruction. No matter what, I must follow the Lord. I may save only myself, but I'll give others a fighting chance at salvation and success by my example. I certainly don't want to be responsible for anyone's destruction.