July 4, 2022
Passage Read: Zechariah 11-14
Meditation Verses: 11:8-10
What a tragic illustration! Yet how many fellowships fall into this same pattern? The leaders don't care about the needs of the flock, but only for how they can profit from it. The sheep become so entrenched in their sin that even when a shepherd from the Lord comes, he can do nothing to turn them back to the Truth! There's nothing left but to abandon the flock to their terrible fate. And how many marriages end for the same reason? Because the husband didn't care for the needs of the family, according to God's interests, but only cared for himself, and the family learned nothing of love and truth from him, so as to be doomed to destruction, with no hope of salvation.
If someone who truly seeks the Lord comes and cannot help the leadership grow and the sheep learn to walk in the Lord's ways, that is truly a tragedy. Leaders in the church and in the family should be dead set on knowing the Lord, walking in His ways and training those entrusted to him to walk in those same ways. If not, if the flock doesn't recognize the need for new leadership, then there is little hope for that flock. Whether I lead my family or a fellowship, I have to be most concerned about what the Lord wants for the people, His Truth, and do my best to train that flock to walk in His ways.