July 24, 2023
Passage Read: Mark 13-14
Meditation Verse: 13:34
Jesus has gone away for a time, leaving several servants in charge, and each servant has his assigned task. They do not all have the same task, though there may be several with the same task so they can work different shifts or oversee different groups of servants. But there is at least one assigned to watch the door, to watch for the master's return. We're all supposed to keep watch, but each servant is supposed to carry out his assigned duty, with an eye to the return of Christ.
Everything I do is for the Master, I cannot forget that. I'm not here to gain a gathering for myself, but for the Lord. I'm not here to raise up people who like me and emulate me, but people who love the Lord and emulate Him. We're supposed to encourage each other to continually do better, not to be satisfied with what we've attained, not to consider ourselves to have arrived. And at least a few of us should be watching for the Master's return, a few of us should be aware of the signs and warning the others as the time grows near.