July 17, 2022
Passage Read: Matthew 23-24
Meditation Verses: 24:48-51
It is not good to be responsible for people, but then act only for yourself, especially in the Lord's church. The one who should be feeding and caring for the welfare of others, if he gives up on the Lord, stops fearing Him and starts doing whatever he wishes, especially taking advantage and abusing those entrusted to him, he will lose his salvation when the Lord comes. He will not be counted among the saved, but the damned.
No matter how tiring it seems to be waiting for the Lord, no matter how long He delays, I cannot give up hope. To do so is to abandon the faith. To give up living in obedience because I expect His return, to start living for myself, for my flesh again, is to be lost with no hope of salvation, especially if I start abusing those in my power. But even if I don't hurt others, to give up on the return of Christ and abandon faith in Him is to abandon my salvation and to be lost once more. I cannot give up on Him.