July 15, 2022
Passage Read: Matthew 19-20
Meditation Verses: 20:13-15
This parable is sandwiched between two others that teach that those who serve more are rewarded more, so this cannot mean that ultimately everyone will be rewarded the same, regardless of how much they labor for the Lord. This must be talking about entry into the kingdom, which is a great reward, because regardless of how much the workers have labored, they all receive a day's wage. The warning is for those who invest more of themselves into serving the Lord not to be jealous of those who gain entry into heaven at the last minute, without having labored at all. There are those who will be great in the kingdom of heaven because they became servants of all, but there will also be those who are least in the kingdom because they did little for the Lord, yet both gain entry to heaven.
I should never serve the Lord out of competition with another. If I do, I'll only do enough to be ahead of another. I need to serve the Lord out of love for the Lord, then I will have a will to work regardless of how much others work or don't work. I shouldn't compare myself with others, but look to Jesus. The more I love and respect and honor Him, the more I will be willing to give up for Him and labor for Him.