January 25, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Samuel 18-21
Meditation Verse: 18:9
Absalom's vanity ended up causing his death. His long, beautiful hair, which earned him such praise got so tangled up in a tree that he was lifted off his donkey and trapped, hanging in the tree. And where were his men? Why was he riding alone? How did he get separated from his bodyguards? He does not appear to be very skilled in warfare, or very wise in it. And so his vanity and his arrogance were the death of him. Of course, the two are related.
I need to be careful not to think I am so wise and understanding, especially as I start this new job. I know so little about this field and ministry, so I need to take it slow and learn about it and from these people, to really understand what their needs and stresses and pressures are. To come in thinking I can so easily understand everything would be arrogance and vanity on my part and be the death of any ministry I could have here.