February 4, 2025
Passage Read: 1 Samuel 17-20
Meditation Verses: 20:32-34
If not for Jonathan, David likely would have been killed. He was a servant of God to protect David. The Lord was watching over David and one of His means was Jonathan and his loyalty and devotion to David. God uses people as surely as He uses circumstances or our own reflexes. Just as surely as men choose to or are influenced to do evil, so they can choose to and be influenced to do what is right. Jonathan even risked his life to defend and protect David. That's true loyalty!
This is what God desires of His people, such a love for Him and truth and justice that we're willing to risk everything to defend the innocent, even when they're already very blessed by God. We shouldn't leave things to God alone to protect the innocent. He appointed us to defend the weak and innocent, and to judge the wrong, and we should do so. I shouldn't shrink back from defending the innocent even if it causes me harm.