Micah Bemenderfer

February 24, 2025

Passage Read: 2 Kings 16-19
Meditation Verses: 19:32-34


The Lord defends Jerusalem by His own mighty power. Hezekiah has proven faithful and trusted in the Lord. He had no other hope of deliverance. He had tried to appease the king of Assyria with gold, but either that wasn't enough or else he couldn't maintain the tribute, and now the king was threatening to destroy Jerusalem. So he turns to the Lord and the Lord destroys 180,000 men of the Assyrian army and the king withdraws. This is in the fourteenth year of Hezekiah's reign. It would then be not long after this that Hezekiah becomes sick to the point of dying; he is spared and given fifteen more years to live. He is called out for pride. Was the sickness a warning to Hezekiah to recognize that it was indeed the Lord who saved Jerusalem, not Hezekiah's luck or cleverness? Was Hezekiah tempted to think too highly of himself and needed this warning to recognize that it was the Lord alone who saved Jerusalem? He looked the part of a faithful king, but he seems to have had some trouble being completely humble. The timing of these two things, one after the other, is suspicious.


It is too often tempting to chalk favorable things up to dumb luck or coincidence. Same with unfavorable things. But for me, I must remember that the Lord indeed is living and active, and in control of all circumstances. He rules the earth and sets before us circumstances in which we must choose to respond and act as He desires. There is no happenstance, but only tests and opportunities. Will I think highly of myself if things go well, or will I acknowledge that it is the Lord's doing? Even and especially in good things, I need to recognize the test to truly believe that it is the Lord working that brings about good things, and not think it is my own wisdom that successfully navigated those circumstances. I am a servant of the Lord and must consider in every choice what He would have me do, what is most pleasing to Him, and choose accordingly. And remain humble as a servant of the Lord and nothing else.