February 18, 2024
Passage Read: 2 Kings 8-11
Meditation Verse: 8:19
The Lord made this promise to David, knowing full well that some of his sons would not walk in David's righteous ways. Solomon himself was the first to fall away; it didn't take long for the sons of David to fail. But the Lord was patient with them, for the sake of his promise to David and to His people. He didn't want to destroy Judah; He didn't want to put out the only lamp that shone for Him. There would be no other source of knowledge about Him in the world! So He held off, kept His promise to David when David's sons had already broken their part of it. In time another king would arise to restore the people to God, for a time. Until God sent the true Son of David to restore the throne and the nation to God in true righteousness.
I enjoy God's favor and mercy because of the promise made to His perfect Son. I don't enjoy God's favor because I am good or acceptable in my own efforts, but because of a promise to His Favored One. I can never forget that. I owe all the mercy and grace I enjoy to Jesus and God's promise to Him, and His promise to me through Him. I have nothing to boast about even as I work to conform my life to His likeness, even as He works in me to conform me to His likeness. I don't want to hinder or disobey Him, but in gratitude and joy for what He's done for me, diligently labor to change my ways to be like Him. His grace to me will empower and direct my efforts, and give me success.