December 30, 2022
Passage Read: Joshua 2-5
Meditation Verse: 2:10
It's amazing that the only thing they've heard, or the only thing they remember of all they've heard about Israel, is the beginning and end of their forty year journey to Canaan: the crossing of the Red Sea and the destruction of neighboring kings. They haven't heard or remembered all their failures that kept them wandering in the desert and killed the military men that came out of Egypt. Perhaps they recalled the plagues that destroyed Egypt and mixed them together with the Red Sea crossing, but Rahab doesn't mention them specifically. What is interesting is that she only recalls the victories, and on that basis, she and everyone else are terrified of them.
God was clearly in control of what "stuck" with the Canaanites when they heard news of the Israelites. He made sure they remembered the victories rather than the many failures. More than that, He makes sure they remember what their God did for them, rather than their failures in following the Lord. What is clear to them is that the Lord who brought them out of Egypt is ready to bring them into Canaan, and that means their time is up! So even if all I remember are my failures, what people around me see are the works of God and the pattern that He is setting up, and the conclusion that is coming their way. I too should be looking at where God is taking me and watching for when He is ready to bring me in, rather than think only about the ways I've hindered His progress. I need to learn from my mistakes and repent of my stubborn rebellion, but I also need to ready myself for battle when He's ready to move me forward.