December 18, 2024
Passage Read: Exodus 15-18
Meditation Verses: 16:4-5
The Lord knows the heart, yet He wants to show what's in our hearts, whether we will follow His instructions or not. He wants us to display for all the world to see, whether we are those who trust and honor to Him or not. He has given so many instructions now, that it is easy to show ourselves unwilling to walk in His ways. God has been seeking from the beginning people who will listen to His instructions. How disheartening it must be to God to see how many people refuse to believe in Him despite His simple commands and His mighty power.
The Lord is continually testing my heart too, to reveal whether I am one who follows His instruction or not. I don't want to put Him to shame. The thought of being tested every day feels burdensome, but if I give up all my wants and wishes and desires and live only for His honor, it will be much easier.