August 25, 2023
Passage Read: Acts 16-17
Meditation Verses: 17:29-31
Paul says that God overlooked the ignorance about Him that led men to make idols of all kinds of created things. Does that mean He will judge them by their own consciences rather than by the Law of Moses? Is there some other means by which they could possibly be saved, or are they just doomed, without any hope? In the past, God overlooked the ignorance of men, but now He commands all men everywhere to repent of their idols and believe in His Son. Paul warns that God will judge all the world by Jesus, His resurrection being the proof of God's appointment of Jesus as judge. This is Paul's message to those with no background in Judaism.
Whatever God did in the past, He is not now continuing that. Now He requires all men everywhere to repent of their own ways and turn to Jesus and believe and obey Him as judge of all men. If men want to be delivered from that judgement or through it, it is incumbent on them to seek Jesus and learn what He requires and expects. If they don't bother with it, their destruction is on their own heads; if they do, they could be saved, if they submit to what He requires. I need to warn people, but I don't have to chase them. They need to seek me or someone else who can teach them.