August 23, 2024
Passage Read: Luke 17-18
Meditation Verses: 18:22-25
Jesus asked what seems impossible and unreasonable of this man, to go from being rich to selling everything, leaving everything behind to follow Him. And the man decided he couldn't do it. Why did Jesus require so much of him? Think of what he could do for others if he kept not only his wealth but his means of making that wealth? But Jesus not only didn't care about that, He implies that the man could not be saved without giving up everything! Is that true only of that one man or of so many of us as well? If everyone who believes in Jesus sold all they had and followed Jesus, what would they live on? Would they have enough to eat? Is it only those who become homeless and unemployed that can be saved? How many of us have trouble with the thought of giving up everything to follow Jesus! We like Jesus and want to be saved, but not at the cost of losing everything we have on earth. Yet Jesus promises that those who give up everything will receive many times as much in this age, and eternal life.
Every one of us has at least one thing we love on this earth, in this life, that seems impossible to give up. Jesus will ask us to give up that one thing, and to follow Him. It is not possible to actually follow Him unless we give up everything. Especially that one thing, if we do not give it up, we remain enslaved to it, and it controls and distorts our understanding of God and how He wants us to live. Our hearts are divided; we're trying to serve two Masters, and they will inevitable come into conflict with each other. Even if we don't recognize the conflict, Jesus already said that those who serve two Masters actually love one and hate the other. If I'm not willing to give up everything for Jesus, then it is clear that I love another master, other than Jesus. And if I love another master, then I hate Jesus even as I seem to want to know and serve Him. In reality, I'm trying to buy Him off with some "gifts" here and there while I really love for my other master. I must surrender everything, even jettison from my life certain things, in order for Jesus to be the Master I truly love.