August 21, 2022
Passage Read: Acts 4-5
Meditation Verses: 5:25-26
The apostles were arrested after helping a man, yet people still believed and joined the disciples! They were arrested, jailed, and an angel set them free and told them to go preach again about Jesus in the Temple. So they obeyed...and we're again arrested, but this time respectfully. The apostles could have been scared that they would be put to death and the budding church destroyed. They could have gone into hiding or fled, but they didn't. They continued to preach boldly, trusting the results to God. All the logic of men would say to cool it, withdraw, go carefully, but they did the opposite. They weren't afraid to be arrested or killed, because the Lord was in charge and would either take care of them or take care of His Church and mission.
I am so afraid of getting in trouble and being unable to serve the Lord, so I'm careful with what I say and with whom I say it. I'm wrong to do that. I shouldn't fear for my life or "my" ministry. I should be faithful to speak God's Word, and if people don't like it, trust the Lord to preserve His mission and carry on His work with or without me. My life is secure in Christ, I have no need to fear for it or worry about preserving it. The work God has for me is also secure in Him, I have no need to fear for it or worry about preserving it. I simply need to speak faithfully for the Lord and move on when rejected. I should never take into my own hands the responsibility of preserving "my" ministry.