August 2, 2024
Passage Read: Matthew 19-20
Meditation Verses: 20:22-23
The cup Jesus is about to drink is that of His suffering and death, as payment for our sins. James and John would both drink of that cup, suffering for Jesus and His Gospel. James would be killed in short order, not long after the resurrection. John would live out his days, though not without incident. They would try to kill him, but their attempt would fail, so they would exile him to a labor colony on Patmos. Yet despite their dedication and suffering for His sake, Jesus was not able to promise them the places they asked for in His kingdom. Their suffering would be rewarded; He had already promised them a throne from which to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.
Those who desire greatness in the kingdom, those who desire to love the Lord and tell others about Him, will most likely suffer for their efforts. It is strange that those who are most committed to the Lord must suffer most at the hands of sinners. It discourages effort, for fear of pain. But it also tests the genuineness of a believer's faith. It proves their trust in eternity and the rewards of Christ. It shows that they care more for others and for Christ than for their own comfort and safety. I need to give up my fear of suffering and shame or embarrassment, and choose shame for the sake of Christ. Better to embarrass myself in proclaiming the Gospel, than to preserve my "dignity" by remaining silent. Instead of adjusting the Gospel to make it more palatable to unbelievers, I need to preach the true Gospel, that souls might be truly saved.