August 2, 2022
Passage Read: Luke 11-12
Meditation Verses: 12:51-53
Jesus didn't come to destroy men's lives, but neither did He come to make everyone happy. His Gospel and His demands of righteousness will divide even families, how much more societies! He came to bring life, but men choose darkness. He didn't come to condemn, but men choose to reject Him and His standard of righteousness. He is divisive, not because He wants to stir up trouble, but because men choose to reject Him. He doesn't bend to their will, but to God's alone. So He causes trouble, He causes division. His Word causes division, and if I teach it faithfully and stand by it, division will also follow me.
I shouldn't be surprised when people get upset at the claims of Christ or His Word. He Himself says that He came to cause division. I don't have to be ashamed, but I also don't have to be angry with those who refuse to believe. Though if I care for them, I will get stirred up over their refusal, and plead with them to believe His Word rather than stand by their own feelings or wants. Jesus alone had the words of life and truth. He is right in everything He says. If I love people, I will plead with them to humble themselves before the Lord and let Him dictate Truth. There will be those who repent and believe, and those who walk away. Sadly, far more will walk away than be saved.