April 12, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 115-118
Meditation Verse: 115:1
On account of His mercy and on account of His truth, the Lord deserves praise and glory. He works wonders, He helps His children, even if we don't recognize it, even if it's not dramatic. The miracles are greatly appreciated, but the daily little things too deserve praise. Everything the Lord does to care for us, and the truth He continually reveals to us, for these, though not dramatic, still for these He deserves glory.
In hoping for miracles, I need to not lose sight of this truth, that if I can understand anything from His Word, I should be grateful to God. If I enjoy any favor or kindness or even the least blessing and good thing, it is from the Lord, and He deserves glory for it. Every day I live is a chance to honor Him and gain a little more treasure in heaven, that is a kindness from Him, as if He doesn't want me to be in the lowest rung of heavenly society, as if He wants me to have some significant position in His kingdom. Why would He care about me? Why would He want me to enjoy some position in His kingdom, it is already so great just to have entrance into His kingdom! Every day He gives me is a kindness, whether it is a hard day or an easy one, it is still a gift.